B4C 陶瓷抗彈鎧甲

B4C Ballistic Ceramic Armor
抗高速撞擊B4C基輕質陶瓷複材相較一般陶瓷複材,重量減輕20%,防護力通過美國懷特實驗室 NIJ III、NIJ III+、NIJ IV級陶瓷複材防彈板驗證。除作為防彈衣、防彈公事包等各式防彈產品材料外,亦可用於防護耳罩、蛙鞋、牙材等需抗衝擊之品項。
In contrast with the typical ceramic composite, the impact-resistant B4C lightweight ceramic composite reduces 20% of the weight. Its protection performance received NIJ level III, III+, and IV certifications for ceramic bulletproof plates from the USA H.P.WHITE laboratory. It can be the material of bulletproof products like bulletproof vests and suitcases or other impact-resistant products, such as protective earmuffs, scuba fins, and dental materials.