本技術結合虛擬實境與 IoT ,導入既有運動器材,即可升級為全新的沈浸體驗模式,可應用在飛輪、單車、手腳復健機等器材。以IoT 技術控制週邊設備,畫面即時回饋,營造真實感;感測器搜集運動資訊,上傳至雲端數據分析平台,紀錄個人運動履歷,提供運動改善建議,提升訓練效率與趣味。
This technology combines VR with IoT and can be implemented to existing sports devices to upgrade them and provide new immersive experiences. It can be applied to devices such as flywheels, bicycles, rehabilitation devices, etc.
IoT technology can control peripheral equipment and provides real-time feedback on the screen to create a sense of reality. The sensors can collect exercise information and upload it to the cloud data analysis platform or record personal exercise history to provide exercise improvement suggestions and enhance training efficiency and fun.
IoT technology can control peripheral equipment and provides real-time feedback on the screen to create a sense of reality. The sensors can collect exercise information and upload it to the cloud data analysis platform or record personal exercise history to provide exercise improvement suggestions and enhance training efficiency and fun.