窄頻物聯網 NB-IoT 全功能自主平台

NB-IoT All-in-one Solution
符合3GPP國際標準R13/ R14 規格,具訊號廣域覆蓋及多元應用功能,滿足物聯網低成本與快速佈建需求,在專網場域佈建極具競爭力。
The World's first NB-IoT full-function SoC small cell provides both EPC Lite and small cell net elements to save over 70% of private network deployment cost.
This technology meets the R13/R14 specifications of the 3GPP international standard and provides a wide signal coverage with various applications and functions. It meets the requirements of IoT for lower costs and faster deployments and is extremely competitive for private network deployments.